
Signs of Distress in Babies

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Recognize the subtle signs of distress in your baby to ensure their well-being and timely intervention.

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Although babies cannot communicate exactly what they need, there are some cues you can look for if your baby is in distress. Most babies will cry when they are hungry, wet, tired or need comfort, this is the only way they know how to communicate. However, look for these other signs which might mean you baby is in distress:

  • Back arching
  • Yawning, hiccuping
  • Grimacing or frowning
  • Using their hands to block their face
  • Gagging or spitting up
  • Looking away or averting their gaze
  • Extension of arms or legs

These are signs that your baby might be overstimulated need a break or comfort.On the other hand if your baby is/has:

  • cooing
  • relaxed arms/legs/face
  • looking at objects or other people
  • smiling
  • their eyes open

This means they are happy and open. These are signs of readiness that your baby might want to play or interact with you.While not all babies are the same, look for some of these cues to get to know your little one more and always trust your gut. It is important to keep an eye on your baby and slowly you will learn more and more about them including cues for hunger, sleepiness, overstimulation or readiness to play.Remember there is nothing better than a happy and healthy baby and no greater job than being a parent. While it might seem difficult at times, they grow up so fast so try to enjoy every moment.{{cta('e8a19884-7105-4fdd-a21d-f876dcc96373','justifycenter')}}


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