Bedtime Routines

Printable Bedtime Routine Charts for Kids

Discover our printable bedtime routine charts designed for kids. These charts provide an organized and engaging way to establish healthy nighttime habits.

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Establishing a consistent bedtime routine is crucial for children's emotional regulation, positive temperament, and overall sleep quality. 

Printable bedtime routine charts can be a fun and effective tool to help children understand and follow their bedtime routine.

How do I get my child to follow a bedtime routine chart?

Sometimes, kids don't follow the routine because they either haven't understood it or don't know how to handle it. It's important to clearly outline the routine, specifying the order of tasks and their timing. Review each step of the routine and clarify what is needed for each task.

Before integrating the chart into the nightly routine, spend some time practicing each activity with your child. This helps them understand the purpose and importance of the routine.

You can highlight the values of following directions and patience using the story "Sofia Plants a Seed" from Storybook

The story is about a little girl who learns how to be patient and follow instructions to improve her behavior. Try it today! 

story for kids

1. Simple bedtime routine chart

This chart is a visual aid designed to structure nightly activities leading up to sleep. It typically outlines a step-by-step guide to help children understand and follow a consistent bedtime routine.

Simple bedtime routine chart

2. Interactive bedtime routine chart

An interactive chart includes movable or customizable components, such as stickers for each bedtime task. This adds a playful element, making it engaging for children.

 Interactive bedtime routine chart

3. DIY Bedtime routine chart

Create a personalized chart with your child using a YouTube tutorial. Crafting the chart together can be a fun bonding activity and gives your child a sense of accomplishment and involvement.

DIY Bedtime routine chart

4. Reward bedtime routine chart

This chart features a visual representation of bedtime tasks, with a reward system of stickers, stars, or other markers that children earn by completing each step of their bedtime routine.

Reward bedtime routine chart

5. Bedtime routine chart with hours

A time-oriented chart that features a series of tasks alongside designated time slots. This helps children understand the concept of time and its management.

Bedtime routine chart with hours

6. Interactive bedtime routine chart

This chart includes a visual representation of bedtime tasks divided into "To-Do" and "Done" sections. Movable elements, like magnets or Velcro pieces, represent each task. As a child completes each task, they move the corresponding piece from "To-Do" to "Done," providing a tangible and satisfying way to track progress.

 Interactive bedtime routine chart

By incorporating these bedtime routine charts, you can create a structured, engaging, and rewarding bedtime experience for your child, fostering good habits and a peaceful night's sleep.

How to establish a bedtime routine for toddlers? 

Establishing a bedtime routine for toddlers can be a game-changer for both parents and children. A consistent routine not only helps toddlers wind down and prepare for sleep, but it also instills a sense of security and predictability.

 Whether it's a bath, a bedtime story, or a lullaby, these rituals can make bedtime a more enjoyable and less stressful experience for everyone involved. For more tips on managing your toddler's sleep, check out our guide on toddler sleep schedule.

1. Set a consistent bedtime

Most toddlers do best with a bedtime between 7:00-8:00 pm. A consistent bedtime helps your child feel secure and promotes healthy sleep habits.

2. Create a calming atmosphere

A peaceful and comforting environment can help your little one wind down and transition into a restful night's sleep.

This can be achieved by making the bedroom a comfortable and soothing space.

3. Incorporate relaxing activities

Including calming activities such as a bath, bedtime story, and cuddle time can signal to your toddler that it's time to wind down and sleep.

Reading a book, such as a Storybook story, can be a special part of this routine, which gives a quiet, peaceful moment before sleep.

4. Use a bedtime routine chart

A bedtime routine chart is a simplified visual list of the evening's activities that need to be accomplished before bed. It can help create consistency for your toddler and decrease bedtime battles. 

You can customize it to include what's important for your child, from tooth-brushing to storytime and, eventually, lights out.

5. Avoid overstimulation

It's usually best to stop stimulating activities, such as roughhousing, running around, playing video games, or watching TV, 30 to 60 minutes before bedtime.

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Try for yourself how massages with stories can help you with difficult nights with your children ⬇️

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How long should a kid's bedtime routine be?

how many hours of sleep do kids need?✨Your bedtime routine, whatever it is, should be short and sweet. The key is consistency. Pediatric sleep researcher, Dr. Jodi Mindell, recommends that families choose 3 to 4 activities to do in the same order every night, like bath, massage, reading, and lullabies.

💡 Expert quote: According to the Baby Center, excitement, tiredness and tension can combine at the end of the day to keep your toddler from settling down.
Resource: Baby Center

What to do if your kid resists their bedtime routine?

If your toddler won't sleep, try to make the routine fun by visually reminding them of what the routine is and rewarding them when they follow it. 

 Remember, every child is unique, and you might need to adjust this routine to suit your toddler's preferences and needs.

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Medically Reviewed by:

Lorena Koppel
Child Clinical Psychologist

Dr. Lorena Koppel is a distinguished Child Clinical Psychologist based in Azuay, Ecuador, with over 26 years of experience at Monte Sinaí Hospital. She specializes in treating emotional disorders in children and adolescents, providing family counseling, and integrating theoretical and practical approaches in clinical psychology.


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