
What to do if Your Toddler Won't Nap

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Is your toddler resisting naptime? Discover why toddlers resist napping and learn expert tips for managing naptime challenges effectively.

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Parents often struggle to convince their toddlers to embrace naptime willingly. This resistance to daytime rest can be a source of concern for many caregivers. 

By understanding practical approaches to child naps, we aim to provide naptime simple tips for parents navigating this aspect of toddlerhood with a sense of assurance and guidance.

Why is your toddler refusing to nap?

Nap refusals are common between 18 months and 2 years, often leading to frustration for both toddlers and parents. Identifying the underlying causes of naptime resistance can be like solving a mystery, requiring some detective work to uncover the root issues. Here are some common reasons for sleep regression:

  • Overtired: This can occur if they miss their usual nap window or have had a particularly active day. Signs of overtiredness include crankiness, hyperactivity, and difficulty calming down.
  • Overstimulated: Activities such as loud play, screen time, or stimulating toys close to naptime can contribute to overstimulation.
  • Napping at the wrong time: Nap refusals can also occur if your toddler's nap schedule is not aligned with their natural sleep rhythms. For example, putting them down for a nap when they're not tired or pushing their nap too late can result in resistance.
  • Changes in routine: Toddlers thrive on routine, and any disruptions, whether due to travel, family events, or changes in daily schedules, can lead many toddlers to resistance during bedtime battles and naptime.
  • Developmental milestones: As toddlers hit developmental milestones, such as learning to walk or talk, they may become more engaged and excited about their newfound abilities. This enthusiasm can translate into a reluctance to take breaks for naps.
  • Environmental factors: The sleep environment significantly impacts a toddler's nap experience. Factors like noise, light, or discomfort can disrupt their ability to fall asleep easily settle down.

Your toddler won’t nap?
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How long should a toddler nap?

The ideal duration for a toddler's daytime nap, typically ranges from 1 to 2 hours. However, it's crucial to consider reliable sources.

Infants until one year of age will take naps 1–4 times per day. By 18-24 months, children need only one nap each day. Children who take early afternoon naps for a set duration of fewer than 60 minutes.

When should toddlers nap?

Toddlers generally benefit from a nap in the early to mid-afternoon, aligning with their natural circadian rhythms. A suitable nap time is often between 1 pm and 3 pm, fostering a refreshing break in their day.

According to Dra. Lorena Koppel a nap in the little ones helps to recharge their energies and improves their overall development.

Recognizing the needs of our children is crucial to promote proper development, and taking a nap between 1 and 3 pm is the best time to do so. If a child takes a nap after 4 pm, this will interrupt their natural sleep cycle and stay awake longer at night, affecting their sleep routine.

Signs your toddler may be ready to stop napping

  • Stays awake longer: They can go for extended periods without showing signs of tiredness.
  • Trouble sleeping at night: Napping during the day may lead to difficulty falling asleep at bedtime.
  • Shorter naps: Their naps become consistently shorter in duration.

Signs your toddler still needs to nap

  • Crankiness: They become increasingly grumpy or irritable as the day goes on.
  • Shows tiredness: Rubbing eyes, yawning, or looking tired during the day.
  • Behavior improvement: Their behavior noticeably improves after napping.
  • Regular routine: They stick to a consistent naptime routine and show signs of readiness for sleep at the usual naptime.

What to do if your toddler refuses to nap

Parenting often involves decoding the intricate dance of a toddler's sleep preferences. If you're amid a skirmish with a baby fighting sleep during naptime, rest assured – you're not alone. In this guide, we present seven pivotal steps to navigate the nuances of naptime resistance. 

1. Establish a consistent nap routine

Create a structured naptime routine to signal to your little one that it's time to wind down. Consistency is key, aligning with a toddler sleep schedule that sets expectations.

Consider incorporating calming activities or a favorite story from the StoryBook App as part of this routine to create a soothing transition to naptime. Example of a routine including nap times: 

naptime routine for toddler

Explore our recommended collection on the StoryBook App for a delightful selection of storybooks. Let the journey to peaceful naps begin!

2. Include relaxing activities 

Positive sleep associations help your toddler transition smoothly into naptime or bedtime routines. Engaging in relaxing activities before naptime, such as reading a calming story or cuddling together, can create a soothing atmosphere that prepares your toddler for sleep. 

By incorporating these calming rituals into your naptime routine, you will help your toddler relax and unwind, making it easier for them to settle down for their nap.

3. Create a sleep-enhancing environment

Craft a conducive sleep environment by minimizing noise, dimming lights, and ensuring comfort. A serene atmosphere supports better sleep, aligning with optimal conditions for your toddler's rest.

4. Address overtiredness and overstimulation

Keep an eye on your toddler's activity level and adjust the nap schedule accordingly. Overtiredness or overstimulation can hinder sleep. Ensure a balance of activities throughout the day to prevent these disruptions.

5. Manage separation anxiety 

Recognize and address separation anxiety by offering reassurance and gradually introducing brief periods of separation. 

Highlights that this phase is normal, and most children experience it between 18 months and 3 years old. 
Cedars Sinai 

6. Adapt to changes and transitions

Toddlers experience various developmental and lifestyle changes. Stay adaptable to these transitions, adjusting the nap routine as needed. Be attuned to shifts in your toddler's needs, ensuring a flexible approach to accommodate new phases.

7. Evaluate when to drop naps

As your toddler grows, their nap requirements may change. Pay attention to signs of readiness to drop naps, such as extended periods of wakefulness during the day or difficulty falling asleep at the usual naptime. 

Evaluate your toddler's sleep patterns to determine when it might be appropriate to transition away from certain naps while ensuring they still get the necessary total hours of sleep.

Furthermore, incorporating the concept of 'wake windows by age' can be beneficial in refining their sleep routine and ensuring optimal rest.

When do toddler stop napping?

Kids usually start to stop napping around 3 to 4 years old. But every kid is different, so some might stop a bit earlier or later. It depends on your child and their needs.

Just keep an eye out for signs that they're ready, like not being sleepy during the day or having trouble falling asleep at night. When they're ready, they'll let you know!

How much sleep do toddlers need?

Between the ages of 2 and 3, kiddos usually crash for about 12 to 13 hours each day. That includes a nap of 1 to 2 hours, which helps them learn and grow. And yup, during this time, you'll notice some changes in how they sleep.

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Written By

Francisco Cornejo
CEO Storybook

Francisco Cornejo, a dynamic entrepreneur with a Masters in Communication from RMIT University in Australia, is the Co-Founder and CEO of Storybook. As a serial entrepreneur, he notably served as the Chief Marketing Officer at Honda Motors in Latin America, shaping the brand's regional presence. ‍ Passionate about family well-being and communication, Francisco leads Storybook in its mission to improve children's health globally, aiming to create positive impacts in both corporate and societal spheres.


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